Lord, for many people YOU are like this.
A necessary burden.I need it. Helpless without it. Powerless.
I may trip and fall without it. I always carry it. Very careful with that. I will not allow others to use it.
But when I do not need it I remove it. When I need I wear it.
When I see many walking without it, I wish I were free like them.
It is an uncomfortable necessity.
It reduces my beauty so I want to conceal it as a contact. I use it for giving a false impression of a professor. Buy expensive one to increase my status.
I keep it over my head to become free.
Necessary burden which curtails my freedom.
I do not love it, even though I badly need it. There is a great desire to be free without it.
Lord, for many people YOU are like this.
A necessary burden.
Would be happy without you. Majority feel free without you. Others judge them because of you. Others say you are not of the common crowd, so they want to hide their association with you.
Many try to live without you for many years, even though they suffer.
Ps 73. Wicked people without you are very happy and free.
God is a necessary burden, restricting my freedom. An uncomfortable necessity?
O Lord,
When will they recognize there is no life without you? There will be only mere existence. You are our life. In you only we become complete.
Open our eyes to see the glorious freedom in you, the richest heavenly blessings we inherit. The great privileges we enjoy. The preciousness of being your children. The joy of living in you. The fullness of life in you. The abundance of life of love. For which one must be willing to forsake everything else. And surrender unconditionally to you.