“You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me, yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life” (John 5: 39-40).
Diabetes is starvation in the midst of plenty. There is plenty of glucose in the blood, but the cells starve because they cannot get the glucose. It does not permeate into the cell for lack of insulin. Christians also starve even though there is abundance in God. Much more than what one can ask or even think.
The Lord presented 5 witnesses for helping others to know that He is the Son of God in John 5: 31-39
I bear witness of Me; John bore witness of Me; Father bore witness of Me; The miracles that I do bear witness of me; The word of God is bearing witness of Me. Yet you refuse to come to Me that you may have life.Vs 39.
There is so much bible study, systematic theological study. The whole bible is bearing witness of Him. Lk 24:27 . Yet many stop with mere bible study. Mere intellectual exercise. It remains as mere information.
Theologians who refuse to accept that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Scholars in other religions have studied bible well, but do not believe in Him.
The sign board on the road shows where the road leads to. And if people get down at the sign board and claim that they have reached the destination, then that will be ridiculous.
Bible scholars of Jesus time knew where Jesus will be born, but did not go to worship Him. They read the signs in the sky, but did not discern the signs He performed.
John 6: 26 They came seeking Jesus not because they saw the signs and realised that He is the Christ. They came to see more miracles. More answers for prayer. Not seeking the one who answers the prayers.
Mt 11: 20 they have seen all the miracles but did not turn to God in repentance.
They did not surrender their life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
We have such abundance of evidence, yet majority refuse to believe and surrender. Starvation.