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Month: April 2016
Starvation in the midst of plenty
“You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me, yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life” (John 5: 39-40). Diabetes is starvation in the midst of plenty. There is plenty of glucose in the blood, but…
Realities beyond rational mind
Beyond human wisdom! The present mind set is more technological than spiritual. We tend to look at everything from this mind set. We acquire knowledge and apply that in the lab and get the result. We thus develop techniques and believe that if we master a technique, even in spiritual realm, we can produce the…
Letters to the Seven Chruches – 4
“I know what you’ve been doing, your toil, and your endurance. I also know that you cannot tolerate evil people. You have tested those who call themselves apostles, but are not, and have found them to be false” (Revelation 2:2).